The Blog Without A Name
Thursday, April 15, 2004
  So, I haven't been able to able to blog much, what with CLS and classes and all. In the meantime, enjoy the following comment I read on a chopstick wrapper at a restaurant today:

"Welcome to Chinese Restaurant [sic]. please [sic] try your Nice Chinese Food [sic] With [sic] Chopsticks [sic] the traditional and typical [sic] of Chinese glonous [sic] history and cultual [sic]."

I particularly like "glonous". (Clearly, they aimed for "glorious", but equally clearly there's an "n" there.) I wonder if they actually do this for effect, as there are millions of Chinese quite competent in English.  
Just my take on whatever happens to take my fancy at the moment. Like all blogs, this one will be more than a little self-absorbed. But we all need our soapboxes, right?



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